Aggregate(TSource, TAccumulate, TResult) Method (ParallelQuery(TSource), Func(TAccumulate), Func(TAccumulate, TSource, TAccumulate), Func(TAccumulate, TAccumulate, TAccumulate), Func(TAccumulate, TResult))

Task Parallel System.Threading

Applies in parallel an accumulator function over a sequence. This overload is not available in the sequential implementation.

Namespace:  System.Linq
Assembly:  System.Threading (in System.Threading.dll)


Visual Basic (Declaration)
Public Shared Function Aggregate(Of TSource, TAccumulate, TResult) ( _
	source As ParallelQuery(Of TSource), _
	seedFactory As Func(Of TAccumulate), _
	updateAccumulatorFunc As Func(Of TAccumulate, TSource, TAccumulate), _
	combineAccumulatorsFunc As Func(Of TAccumulate, TAccumulate, TAccumulate), _
	resultSelector As Func(Of TAccumulate, TResult) _
) As TResult
public static TResult Aggregate<TSource, TAccumulate, TResult>(
	ParallelQuery<TSource> source,
	Func<TAccumulate> seedFactory,
	Func<TAccumulate, TSource, TAccumulate> updateAccumulatorFunc,
	Func<TAccumulate, TAccumulate, TAccumulate> combineAccumulatorsFunc,
	Func<TAccumulate, TResult> resultSelector


Type: System.Linq..::.ParallelQuery<(Of <(TSource>)>)
A sequence to aggregate over.
Type: System..::.Func<(Of <(TAccumulate>)>)
A function that returns the initial accumulator value.
Type: System..::.Func<(Of <(TAccumulate, TSource, TAccumulate>)>)
An accumulator function to be invoked on each element in a partition.
Type: System..::.Func<(Of <(TAccumulate, TAccumulate, TAccumulate>)>)
An accumulator function to be invoked on the yielded element from each partition.
Type: System..::.Func<(Of <(TAccumulate, TResult>)>)
A function to transform the final accumulator value into the result value.

Type Parameters

The type of the elements of source.
The type of the accumulator value.
The type of the resulting value.

Return Value

The transformed final accumulator value.


This overload is specific to parallelized queries. A parallelized query may partition the data source sequence into several sub-sequences (partitions). The updateAccumulatorFunc is invoked on each element within partitions. Each partition then yields a single accumulated result. The combineAccumulatorsFunc is then invoked on the results of each partition to yield a single element. This element is then transformed by the resultSelector function.


System..::.ArgumentNullException source or seedFactory or updateAccumulatorFunc or combineAccumulatorsFunc or resultSelector is a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic).
System..::.AggregateException One or more exceptions occurred during the evaluation of the query.
System..::.OperationCanceledException The query was canceled.

See Also